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【SDGs】ホタテの貝殻を再利用 頭と環境を守る(2023/8/19)
Mr. Tetsuya Nambara makes helmets by turning scallop shells into raw materials. Every year more than 20 tons of shells are discarded in the production of scallops. As exports for reuse ceased, securing storage space became a social issue in the region. That’s when the main ingredient of scallop shells caught his attention. By crushing the shells into a powder, he used them as an environmentally friendly material for the helmets he made. Mr. Nambara hopes that society will eventually use the phrase, ”collecting resources” instead of “throwing out the garbage”. What kind of future does he envision?
(2023年8月19日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)
しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/CEuf6cs
毎週土曜日 午前9時55分放送 ※一部地域を除く
#SDGs, #ホタテ, #ヘルメット, #しあわせのたね。/a>