【SDGs】街に笑顔を!ダンスをしながら浴衣姿でゴミ拾い(2022 /7/9)

【SDGs】街に笑顔を!ダンスをしながら浴衣姿でゴミ拾い(2022 /7/9)

【SDGs】街に笑顔を!ダンスをしながら浴衣姿でゴミ拾い(2022 /7/9)


Ms. Moe Shimada incorporates her dancing in city beautification activities 3 days a week around Tokyo. Carrying a basket on her back and picking up trash in a yukata has attracted a lot of attention. The city becoming cleaner is a given, but the moment when people say “thank you” or “good job” is the biggest reward according to her. Ms. Shimada hopes that these activities will give picking up garbage a positive image, reducing the amount of rubbish at the same time. What kind of future does she see?
(2022年7月9日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/htoLDX5
毎週土曜日 午前9時55分放送 ※一部地域を除く

#SDGs #浴衣 #ダンス #ゴミ拾い/a>
