- 【独自】大阪府警捜査員、酒に酔い容疑者の顔写真を紛失「現時点で答えられることはない」#shorts #読売テレビニュース
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- 年収の壁解消へ企業に1人あたり最大50万円の助成金で調整年内にも実施TBSNEWSDIG
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- 【6月30日 朝 気象情報】これからの天気|TBS NEWS DIG
Ms. Akiko Tsuchiya runs an app that allows users to record, tally, and post the trash they pick up, send comments to each other, and participate in trash pick-up events. Many users continue to use the site, finding the comments encouraging. It is used by a total of 2.5 million people in more than 120 countries around the world, and has collected more than 3.1 billion pieces of garbage to date. Ms. Tsuchiya says that she wants to collaborate with companies and local governments, with the goal of increasing the amount of garbage collected so that it is greater than the amount of garbage that flows into nature by 2040. What kind of future does Ms. Tsuchiya envision?
(2023年10月21日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)
しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/KLxITGp
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