【SDGs】大事な家族の一員を救う強い味方 おもちゃ病院(2023/5/13)

【SDGs】大事な家族の一員を救う強い味方 おもちゃ病院(2023/5/13)

【SDGs】大事な家族の一員を救う強い味方 おもちゃ病院(2023/5/13)

福祉施設の一角で「おもちゃの病院」を開いている粂谷 誠さん。

In the corner of a welfare facility, Mr. Makoto Kumeya has opened a toy hospital. He learned about the existence of toy doctors from a newspaper advertisement, took classes, and started doing this because he was originally interested in making radios and electronics as a hobby. He has repaired more than 15,000 toys to date. When he doesn’t have the parts he needs, sometimes he even makes his own. He wants to create a society that repairs broken toys instead of buying new ones. What kind of future does Mr. Kumeya see?
(2023年5月13日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/hsYMw9n
毎週土曜日 午前9時55分放送 ※一部地域を除く

#SDGs, #おもちゃ, #修理, #シニア, #子ども, #しあわせのたね。/a>
