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【4K】秋田・横手の雪まつり「かまくら」~Yokote Snow Festival 2023~|TBS NEWS DIG
■撮影協力:横手市観光協会 横手市 民家苑木戸五郎兵衛村
Camera: Sony FX3
lens:FE 14mm F1.8 GM
other:DJI RS2
( 2月15日にライブ配信。アーカイブ:https://www.youtube.com/live/DBqTBlWeEDw )
The Yokote Snow Festival 2023 “Kamakura” was held on 15th and 16th February 2023.
TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System) camera crew shot the video of the festival and made a 4K movie.
( Live streaming has already broadcasted on 15th Feb.
Archive URL : https://www.youtube.com/live/DBqTBlWeEDw )
In the festival, people build big snow huts called “Kamakura” and pray to “Suijin-sama”(a Japanese God related to water) inside them.
They have kept the tradition of “Kamakura” for around 450 years.
Tourists were allowed to come to the festival for the first time in 3 years.
Although children serve rice cakes and sweet sake in Kamakura snow huts originally in the festival, the service was not allowed to avoid infection this year.
Kamakura snow huts built by craftsmen appeared at several places in Yokote city.
In the Kido Gorobei Village, you can see a beautiful scenery of Japanese old houses and snow huts.
In Janosaki-Kawara, volunteers made about 3,500 small Kamakuras. At night, these small Kamakuras made a beautiful line of lights, and people call them “Milky Way on Earth”.
Please watch this 4K video and be relaxed by the Japanese nostalgic scenery of Kamakura.
▼TBS NEWS DIG 公式サイト https://ift.tt/8OW0TnN