【SDGs】旬を味わい最後まで無駄なく美味しく食べる(2022 /1/25)

【SDGs】旬を味わい最後まで無駄なく美味しく食べる(2022 /1/25)

【SDGs】旬を味わい最後まで無駄なく美味しく食べる(2022 /1/25)


Specializing in natural tuna, Mr. Tsutomu Suzuki is the president of the wholesaler Suzutomi at the Toyosu fish market. Since its founding, it has been a wholesaler of tuna, but now with the Corona epidemic, it offers a new way to eat natural tuna. We have turned high-quality natural tuna, which is normally used in sushi, into a familiar “Katsusando” fried tuna sandwich. We want people to feel free to enjoy tuna without being bound by the constraints of Japanese cuisine. Tuna sellers sincerely taking the challenge to heart. What kind of future does Mr. Suzuki see?
(2022年1月24日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/2Rp21KZ
毎週月曜 深夜放送 ※一部地域を除く

#SDGs #マグロ #フードロス削減/a>
