【SDGs】復興への希望の光をトーチに託す(2022 /7/23)

【SDGs】復興への希望の光をトーチに託す(2022 /7/23)

【SDGs】復興への希望の光をトーチに託す(2022 /7/23)

824 世帯から、桜のトーチ1万本以上へと生まれ変わらせたのは、復興五輪を盛り上げたいという想いが一致した5社。

The relay torches for the 2020 Summer Olympiad were made with recycled aluminum recovered from things like window frames from the temporary housing units used by people who survived the Great East Japan earthquake (2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami). 5 companies worked together to get everyone excited about the Olympics, making more than 10,000 torches with aluminum recovered from 824 units of temporary housing. One of those companies was Lixil, where Mr. Naoki Iki works. Instead of just tearing them down when their service was over, Mr. Iki turned those special places into something else; linking our imaginations to the future. What kind of future does he envision?
(2022年7月23日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/4EouN3b
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#SDGs #東京2020 #東日本大震災/a>
