



Ms. Kanon Takahashi invented furikake using irregularly shaped vegetables. As a junior high school student, she had a chance to experience harvesting vegetables on a farm, where she learned that many imperfect vegetables that couldn’t be sold were discarded. Then, as a high school student, she developed a product using non standard vegetables for her graduation project. She collaborated with local farmers and chefs, and through trial and error successfully created a furikake with the flavor of vegetables. In the future, Ms. Takahashi says she wants to increase the use of non standard vegetables as well as the income of farmers. What kind of future does she envision?
(2023年2月11日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/a6rMvCF
毎週土曜日 午前9時55分放送 ※一部地域を除く

#SDGs, #高校生, #野菜, #ふりかけ, #しあわせのたね/a>
