【SDGs】桜色の希望の灯りが人々を笑顔に、冬に咲くエコな桜(2022 /2/1)

【SDGs】桜色の希望の灯りが人々を笑顔に、冬に咲くエコな桜(2022 /2/1)

【SDGs】桜色の希望の灯りが人々を笑顔に、冬に咲くエコな桜(2022 /2/1)


This marks the tenth year of Meguro-gawa Minna no Illumination. “The Meguro River Illumination for Everyone”, which is being celebrated for the first time in two years. More than ever due to the Corona Crisis, Ms. Sayaka Mitsutome of the steering committee, who made the winter cherry blossoms bloom by enlisting the cooperation of companies, local government, and local people, hopes to brighten everyone’s spirits. What’s more, it is a 100% self-powered event, using waste cooking oil from neighboring regions to produce all of their power. Lighting up everyone’s smiling faces in sakura-pink light, what kind of future does Ms. Mitsutome see?
(2022年1月31日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/NovGn1kyD
毎週月曜 深夜放送 ※一部地域を除く

#SDGs #イルミネーション #目黒川 #桜/a>
