【SDGs】爪も環境も美しく健やかになるお手伝い (2022/10/8)

【SDGs】爪も環境も美しく健やかになるお手伝い (2022/10/8)

【SDGs】爪も環境も美しく健やかになるお手伝い (2022/10/8)


Wanting to protect the environment of Okinawa, the place where she was born, and enjoy fashion at the same time, Ms.Nana Karimata opened a nail salon that uses products that weren’t tested on animals or made with vegetable oils as much as possible. As Ms.Karimata herself has a complex about her nails, and wanted to help people who were worried about their nails. Regardless of age or gender, she wants everyone to feel the happiness of having beautiful nails. What kind of future does Ms.Karimata envision?
(2022年10月8日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/O7kZap0
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#SDGs, #沖縄, #ネイル #しあわせのたね。/a>
