【SDGs】子どもの頃から古着が好き“ジーンズ愛とプロの技が融合しミライにつながる”(2022 /3/29)

【SDGs】子どもの頃から古着が好き“ジーンズ愛とプロの技が融合しミライにつながる”(2022 /3/29)

【SDGs】子どもの頃から古着が好き“ジーンズ愛とプロの技が融合しミライにつながる”(2022 /3/29)


Mr. Ryouji Yamasawa buys jeans that are about to be destroyed, and uses his company’s skills to upcycle them into new products. Mr. Yamasawa has loved vintage clothing since childhood. On a trip to Los Angeles, he was shocked to learn the number of virtually new jeans that were being thrown away. It all started with him buying all of the jeans that were going to be discarded after he returned home to Japan. Further revitalizing manufacturing with skills acquired over many years and his love of jeans, what kind of future does Mr. Yamasawa envision?
(2022年3月28日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/QZG0fYA
毎週月曜 深夜放送 ※一部地域を除く

#SDGs #ジーンズ #古着 #リーバイス #デニム #アップサイクル/a>
