【SDGs】世界最高齢のプログラマー“インターネットで世界が広がり人生豊かに”(2022 /3/15)

【SDGs】世界最高齢のプログラマー“インターネットで世界が広がり人生豊かに”(2022 /3/15)

【SDGs】世界最高齢のプログラマー“インターネットで世界が広がり人生豊かに”(2022 /3/15)


Ms. Masako Wakamiya made an app at the age of 81 and continues to make apps that the elderly can enjoy. She felt that her horizons broadened through the world of the internet and wants other people of her generation to get that same feeling. The activities of Ms. Wakamiya, who started programming in her 80s, caught the attention of Apple, and she even met Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. She hopes that everyone will be able to use digital technology in the same way that plumbing and electricity is used today. What kind of vision does Ms. Wakamiya envision?
(2022年3月14日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/j8OGFYn
毎週月曜 深夜放送 ※一部地域を除く

#SDGs #アプリ #プログラミング #学び/a>
