【SDGs】6年間の思い出を詰め込んだランドセルリメイク(2022 /1/18)

【SDGs】6年間の思い出を詰め込んだランドセルリメイク(2022 /1/18)

【SDGs】6年間の思い出を詰め込んだランドセルリメイク(2022 /1/18)


Ms. Masako Nishikawa remakes ransel backpacks into various small objects like wallets, bags and photo frames. From the perspective of a mother with children, she carefully disassembles the ransel by hand while imagining all of the happenings of six years, making it into something new. By remaking the ransel into something new after graduation, They will always be able to feel like their old memories are nearby in their new life. Leaving a beloved item and the memories associated with it behind in a form without waste; what kind of future does Ms. Nishikawa see?
(2022年1月17日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)

しあわせのたね。HP https://ift.tt/2Rp21KZ
毎週月曜 深夜放送 ※一部地域を除く

#SDGs #リメイク #ランドセル/a>
