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they made an actual ASMR toy – let’s try it!

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they made an actual ASMR toy – let’s try it!

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Dying at the way my eyes peep up at you from the web link LOOOL —

0:00 – Nord
1:50 – Intro
5:30 – Unboxing
12:43 – Top Down View Begins
14:45 – Pink Slime
20:07 – Purple Slime
23:32 – Orange Slime
25:43 – Mixing Beads Into Purple Slime
27:32 – Mini Mic Unboxing
32:32 – Mini Mic Test Begins
33:05 – Crinkles On AKG vs Mini Mic
34:40 – Slime Sounds on AKG vs Mini Mic
35:05 – Mini Mic Inside Slime
38:05 – Mini Mic Inside Foam Beads

Alright so I saw this when I was prop shopping and of course I HAD TO TRY IT AND SEE IF IT WAS GOOD??? I feel like whenever something hits The Mainstream there’s usually a lot of room for missing the mark – but, without spoiling too much, I thought the box was actually pretty good!!!! The mic definitely didn’t work for me how they intended unless I’m missing something, and it mostly centered around slime (which to me CAN be ASMR but also has a whole niche /subgenre of its own) – but the things included made genuinely nice sounds! I’m not sure if it WAS intentional, but the plastic packaging was also very soft and not harsh sounding which could have been a huge oversight!

IMO there is actually a huge chance to make ASMR-friendly products, down to the packaging and materials used. It’s always nice to accidentally come across products that are great for ASMR, but this was the first time it was *for* it!

Sleep well, lemme know what you think!! Crackin up at the mini mic sounds… some of it sounded SO GOOD!?!!?! It’s nicely suited for louder sounds – I think I’m so used to having my gain up and being so careful to be gentle/quiet…. I should modify it sometimes to capture louder sounds that still sound good.
Although when I’m using the mini mic, when I’m whispering, that’s being captured through the AKG’s lololol. It couldn’t pick up my whispering that well from the angle I had it at!
ALSO – Vest did edit the sound of the mini mic a bit like he does with my other audio too 😀

Also I say it in the video too; but it was storming heavily when I filmed this so don’t be alarmed! The sound are coming from my end, not yours, ha! I think it made it kinda cozy though c:

~Gibi 🙂

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This video was edited by Shawn, my full-time editor! Give him some love:


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